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Best Tourist Places Simhachalam Nearest railway station is Visakhapatnam

By: Unknown On: 03:06
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  • Best Tourist Places Simhachalam Nearest railway station is  Visakhapatnam

    Overview of Simhachalam 
    Simhachalam is located in the state vizag andhrapradesh, India district. The name is derived from Simhachalam Simham means lion and Aachalam means hill. Simhachalam shrine became holy because of Simhachalam temple called located here. The temple is surrounded by large forest that is seems scenic parkland near the temple. One can see the variety of wildlife in this place. The famous hill called ratnagiri is here.

    Legends and mythology: 
    Simhachalam is closely related to the story. The demon called asura hiranyakkasipu ordered to kill his son Prahalad called because it was ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu. The decade of planning to kill Prahalad asura but survived many attempts by asura and also tried to launch the sea to kill the mountain. His attempt was successfully destroyed by Lord Vishnu and saved the child devotee Prahalad. Now where is saved the child devotee Prahalad known as Simhadri now known as Simhachalam.

    Architecture and Time: 
    The temple architecture is the same as the Temple of Konark in Orissa. You can also view 16 pillars have sculptures designs depicting Lord Vishnu as Narasimha Swamy different variations. The temple has close relations with the rulers who ruled this place. The architecture of the temple is built according to the Chalukyan and Orissa styles. Near the temple grounds you can visit the Mandam kalyana that is built with an incredible stone chariot is a structure of 16 pillars also stone work in the temple is another attraction.

    The temple is visited by devotees mainly while traveling on smaller, cheaper vehicles or rich services available in the city. Devotees can visit the shops that are unforgettable for commercial items like puja and handicrafts Andhra Pradesh is largely sold here. Around Simhachalam can visit vizag district also attracts tourists for its beaches and has holy places like Kailasagiri.

    Things to see and do: 
    Varahalakshmi narasimha temple
    The temple is located on top of the hill called Simhachalam. The entrance of the temple gopuram was decorated with beautiful flowers and paintings of various gods and goddesses. Another important feature in this temple during the festival day called "visarjana chandana" The idol is covered with sandal paste on the idol looks beautiful glow in yellow. The bells are arranged for Sthamba pillar shrine of kappa. Devotees here believe that childless couples should buy sanathana Gopala Yantra is 10 rupees should be placed under the pillar. You can also see the attempt to kill Hiranyakasipu Prahalad images made ​​in different variations. Devotees also believe that doing Pradakshinam Lord fulfills your wishes.

    Where to sleep and eat: 
    Vizag is the closest place to Simhachalam. Vizag has international hotels offer facilities according to international standards. Tourists can see the beaches can also be seen around Simhachalam. Tourists can get this amazing experience when visiting holy places.
    Hotels and restaurants offer delicious food according to local cuisine and seafood is famous in this place. Tourists can take a variety of seafood here. The hotels also offer local cuisine as South Indian vegetarian food.

    Simhachalam directions: 
    Tourists can come by air, rail and road.
    The nearest airport is in Vizag which is 16 km away from this place is well connected with major cities of India.
    Nearest railway station located in Simhachalam which is 4 km away from the temple. The major cities of the state are connected.
    Description: Overview of Simhachalam Simhachalam is located in the state vizag andhrapradesh, India district. The name is derived from Simhachalam Simham means lion and Aachalam means hill. Simhachalam shrine became holy because of Simhachalam temple called located here. The temple is surrounded by large forest that is seems scenic parkland near the temple. One can see the variety of wildlife in this place. The famous hill called ratnagiri is here.